If your employees or students are now in new locations, how can you provide an enterprise-class experience to drive business continuity – increasing performance and security beyond non-enterprise alternatives?
Join this Extreme Networks webinar for an overview of the company’s Remote Access solutions that are already effortlessly extending the functionality of corporate networks into a range of use cases for customers around the world:
- Remote branch and rapid outdoor network extension solutions – for onboarding new or temporary networks
- Teleworker solutions with better performance plus centralized IT management – all with secured connectivity
- Cloud or on-premises managed solutions to ensure speed and simplicity in deployment, including automated set-up, reporting and insights, plus IT-managed policies at scale
- Enhanced security with VPN tunnels, stateful firewalls, encryption and PPSKs
- WAN connectivity options (broadband, cellular, private WAN) with intelligent traffic management
- Virtual professional services to help setup remote networks
- Financial support with Extreme Capital Solutions
Join for ideas on how it can help your organization – in whichever industry you’re in.